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Citgo Petroleum Corporation On Campus Interviews

Tuesday, October 3, 2017 (All day)

Chemical and Mechanical Engineering students, submit your resume by September 21 to be considered for Citgo On Campus Interviews for Associate Mechanical Engineer, Chemical Co-op Engineer, and Mechanical Co-op Engineer positions. Must meet minimum qualifications set by Citgo and register for On Campus Interviewing Program prior to the deadline. Visit with recruiters at the Career Fair on 9/19.

Event contact email: 
Ticket information: 

View detailed job descriptions in Career Services Online. Follow these instructions to see if you meet the qualifications set by the company and to submit your resume and transcripts for this position.

1. Login to Career Services Online.
2. Make sure that you have a resume posted in the My Documents section and your profile is updated and complete. It is important that you have your GPA and demographic information complete!
3. Click on On Campus Interview Schedules on the Career Services Online home page.
4. In the Search menu option for Organization Name type in the employer's name.
5. Choose the schedule/job description that you are interested in to view specific qualifications and to submit your resume online. Click on Request Interview.

Note: If you don't see On Campus Interview Schedules at the top of your page you will need to register with Career Services for the On-Campus Interviewing Program. Only those students who have registered for this program can view these schedules. If you haven't registered, it's not too late! Complete the online form and agree to the policies at this link to register: